Mainnet Tutorial (Based on NEAR)

Step 1:
Click the link:
Step 2:
Log in to your NEAR wallet.
Do you know how to create a NEAR wallet?
Check this Link: 👀

How to Forge?
Collect Collateral Asset and fill in the quantity
Enter the Leverage ratio you want and select the synthetic asset you wish to Forge (rToken)
Join the debt pool: Assets added to the debt pool wouldn’t be withdrawn.
Joining the debt pool may result in a loss. Please handle with caution.
Collateral assets currently supported are CRF, USDT, DAI, WBTC, ETH, WETH, wNEAR, and AURORA.

Collateral assets are currently supported: CRF、USDT、DAI、WBTC、ETH、WETH、wNEAR, 、AURORA。
What is Forge?
It’s Forging synthetic assets
Tokens pledged are forged into rToken.
How to Swap on Kingsman?
Collect your rBTC/rETH/rNEAR /rUSD/rAURORA to any rToken of your choice to Swap
Kindly note: There is a 0.3% charge as a transaction fee on every swap.

Function Introduction
The Forge
Forging synthetic assets, including the Raft include rBTC, rETH, rNEAR, rAURORA, etc., and the RaftStable rUSD.
Realize the debt pool function: When a user newly generates or destroys rUSD, the debt ratio is re-determined, and the user’s profit is calculated based on the change in asset prices.
The Kingsman
Trading one synthetic asset for another kind is supported in the Forge. Allow users to choose whether join the SDP.
2) Realize the function of the fee pool: transaction fees are included in the fee pool to complete the benefit distribution of CRF users.
3) Realize the trading function on the Web end, allowing users to trade various s freely.
It is convenient for users to stake CRF or NEAR to mint rUSD and destroy rUSD. Allow users to view the debt ratio, total system debt, the balance of personal synthetic assets, rewards income, etc.