Crafting V2 is coming soon

Crafting Finance
2 min readSep 7, 2022

After a period of hard work by the team in preparation, the V2 release of Crafting is coming soon. In V2, we have added the exciting Atomic Swap function. based on this feature, other AMMs, and DEXs can call on Crafting’s synthetic asset capabilities to perform low-cost and virtually slippage-free token swaps. We will introduce the feature when the product goes live.

In addition to Atomic Swap, Crafting V2 will also add and optimize the following features:

  1. By changing all transaction operations from platform bookkeeping style to wallet-based operations, users can realize operations such as withdrawing and deposit to synthetic assets.

2. In Forge, users mint stable coins rUSD uniformly after collateral and send them to users’ wallets. In the meantime, it supports merging multiple pledge records of the same collateral of the user into one record and supports full redemption or partial redemption when the user redeems the collateral.

3. Add a unified transaction fee charge account and clearing account to facilitate the subsequent management and processing of assets in the account through smart contracts.

V2 has completed formal development and is undergoing a code audit. We will officially go live after the code audit is completed.

About Crafting

Crafting is a kind of comprehensive synthetic asset and also a Defi platform. Compared with Mirror and UMA, Crafting is closer to Synthetix, but it has dramatically improved and upgraded based on Synthetix. While supporting the synthesis of various synthetic assets, which include Raft, RaftStable, UnivRaft, and BondRaft, it also supports an upgraded version of SDP

Other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, can also be synthesized on Ether or other smart contract chains, thus solving the cross-chain problem. In other words, you can hold asset exposures to other chains on this chain in pursuit of long or short profits.

About Crafting Finance

Crafting is backed by top venture capital firms such as Signum, LD, Longhash, CMS, NGC, and others.

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