Crafting Finance Weekly Report

Published weekly report(7.12–7.18)
1.We recruited another global ambassador who is from Turkish.
2.We built our Turkish Community with our global ambassador and
held an airdrop to congratulate on Turkish Community.
We published “Crafting Finance Academy”.
This week’s question is “what is raftstable?”
1. We realized the basic function of mortgage pool to support increasing and reducing collateral.
2. We realized the recharge and withdrawal functions of synthetic assets not in the debt pool.
Withdrawal function of assets in interest pool and transaction fee pool.
Week plan
1. Continue to improve the mortgage pool function and test the impact of price changes on the system.
2. Optimize and unify the codes related to asset charging in each module.
3. Start preparing for the development of custom synthetic asset functions.
4.Crafting Finance Academy (Weekly Qusetion)
5.AMA activity