Crafting Finance Weekly Report

Weekly Report
AMA with crypto Moon
Technology Part
1、Optimized the Kingsman of Solana on-chain Crafting system, add the function of collecting transaction fees, and the transaction fees will be unified into the transaction fee pool.
2、Developed the interest collection function of Solana chain Crafting system, and collect interest for users who generate synthetic assets but do not enter the debt pool, and the interest will be unified into the interest pool.
3、Deployed Staking PC website and test optimization.
Weekly Task
1、Optimize the transaction fee pool and interest pool, and develop the withdrawal function of the transaction fee pool and interest pool.
2、Implement the top-up and withdrawal function of synthetic assets that are not entered into the debt pool.
3、Optimize the code to unify the system parameters such as white list of collateral assets, white list of synthetic assets, leverage ratio, transaction fee rate, interest rate, etc. for easy adjustment of configuration.
4、Continue to develop and test the Staking mobile page.
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