Crafting Finance Academy
Weekly Questions

1.There are many DeFi projects available, what distinguishes you from others?
Crafting is a synthetic assets project, and it is similar with the Synthetix, but the differents are:
Crafting will support multiply kinds of collaterals
The allowance for collateral is not only an innovation from product designing, it’s a difference of operational strategy, for example, the market cap for SNX is 2Bil now ,which means the upper limit of collateral for Synthetix is only 0.4Bil (with the 500% collateral rate), so that the market cap for synths is limited also. Synthetix combined the buying of SNX token and the liquidity providing , it’s a double-edged sword, even it could help the system to maintain the price of SNX, but it will drag the increasing of the liquidity and the TVL.
Crafting Finance will support plenty kinds of the collateral, which means the potential market is hundreds times to Synthetix, which means even the user penetration rate for Crafting is smaller than Synthetix, there still chance for Crafting to have a bigger TVL than Synthetix, and which means a bigger market cap for CRF token.
Crafting will support 4 kinds of Rafts
The innovation of the bondRafts and the univRafts are referred from UMA, and is also very useful, which means Crafting will support almost all kinds of assets both in the crypto and in the tradition world. For example user could issue their bond to get funding in the system with a fix interest very easily. Compared with UMA, because of the SDP, user could sell their bond with a great liquidity (It’s a problem of the secondary market now for UMA).
The Optional-joining-SDP and Multi-SDP
We think the Optional-joining-SDP and the Multi-SDP are great innovations for the users who would like to use Crafting as a financial tool, not only a mining project. With the Optional-joining-SDP innovations, we could split the functions of minting rafts with the function of trading. User could only use the Forge to forge the Rafts, and use the Rafts to do shorting or other things. And after that, user could choose to join the SDP, to do some trading strategy such as hedging or buying some ETF even shorting the pool. User could use the Kingsman to trade their Rafts even they have not minted their own tokens(which means they bought it on the secondary market) and have not crafted into the SDP. So the system will be more reasonable and efficient.
With the Multi-SDP thing, we think the Crafting finance will be more likely as the traditional financial market, splitting the liquidity of different kinds of assets(such as crypto/stonk/bond/commodity) will attract more users from the traditional market because the traders will only trade in one or two markets instead of trading in a hotchpotch market. And the team will propose the splitting of the SDP when the liquidity of the first SDP is enough to do so.

2.The roadmap for wide adoption within crypto is amazing. What role do you see for Crafting Finance in the wider world outside crypto? And against what timeline?
We think Crafting Finance will be the bridge connecting crypto and traditional finance, we will dedicate to put all important kinds of traditional assets onto blockchain world, and it will be start from the launching of the platform.

3.What is your projects main target of CRF Network in this year 2021?What your VISION and MISSION is in CRF Network Marketing ?
The main target is to launch the mainnet platform and to have a certain amount of TVL. Our vision is to help people to invest in any kinds of the assets all over the world, just on one platform.
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